Funeral Industry
Serving Funeral Directors all over the United States, ProComm stands ready to serve your families with compassion and respect. We are the answering service chosen by the best Directors in the industry.
Your funeral home is an important part of the community, providing comfort and assistance at the most sensitive times for families. Our agents work hard to be an extension of your funeral home family, making sure your callers feel like they have been served directly by a member of your team. ProComm becomes your partner in giving your caller the best possible experience at a very difficult time.
With almost 20 years of experience serving the funeral industry, ProComm is uniquely equipped to make sure you serve every caller in a timely and professional manner. All of your calls are recorded and sent directly to your voicemail box. You can hear how we handle your calls firsthand. We maintain records for each call containing caller ID, duration, time, and other parameters. All calls may be scripted. This enables us to customize the messages we take for you. We get the information you need for each type of call, without wasting your time or the time of your callers. ProComm maintains all of your arrangement information, and we deliver that to your callers just as you would. Our call center operators are trained to understand how your business works.
We serve all Funeral-related Businesses
Vault Companies
Casket Companies
Removal Services
Monument Dealers
Transport Companies

Services We Provide:
Customized Scripting to meet your unique needs
Update your on-call schedule or we can do it for you
Collect exactly the information you want from every Death Call
Coordinate Removal Services
Provide online obituaries platform where you can enter the information yourself…or we can do it for you
Maintain florist and direction information for each obituary
Deliver messages promptly and accurately using the method you request
Provide 24/7 coverage showing people that the Funeral Director is never off duty
Full online access to call recordings and messages
Phone app currently in development
Customized Death Call Forms to suit your specific needs